Our History

Cafe Con Leche Rest.  in New York, it is  located in the Upper East Side or El Barrio. Centrally located, you can easily get  from any area in Manhattan. Lunch, Brunch or Dinner.  Dine in, here's a map, but if you get lost, just give us a call and we'll tell you how to find the restaurant. 

Our dining is on a first come, first served basis. However, if you have a large party, are planning an event, or need catering services, drop us a line and we'll hook you up. 

Cafe Con Leche Rest.

2026 Second Ave New York NY 10029 US



Cafe Con Leche Rest. In New York

Cafe Con Leche opened its door in 1983.  Our objetive remains the same provide the best Latin & Caribbean Cuisine meal experience for our costumer.

We are always looking forward to improve the dinning experience.   


After experimenting with a  different dishes from the Islands, we were finally satisfied with our unique Caribbean dishes style  to make the best dishes ever. But, not to leave out our vegetarian friends, we  were sure to include plenty of vegetarian options on our menu.